Never ignore what your intuition is saying to you. Just when I thought I had imagined the feeling of spring bringing something new......something new found it's way to me.
So I was right, in a far different way than I would've thought. I figured the change would come through Jason somehow. The change came through me, and as a planner I wasn't expecting that because well I had laid out my plans through the rest of the year, doing as much school work as possible lol. Seems like life enjoys changing my well laid out plans, but not much happens until I make plans either so I guess I need to remember to stay flexible.
Late spring/early summer I learned of a job opening and felt it was something I should try for, and again my intuition was correct as I am now gainfully employed as a reporter for the local newspaper.
I searched for a job for about 4 months and with zero feedback I decided to do something else and take advantage of a scholarship program through a local community college. At first I just took a couple classes and tried to keep looking for a job. Then I started doing the math on credits and decided to dive in head first and take as many classes as possible and gave up the job search.
To my pleasant surprise I didn't lose my knack for academics and made the president's list. Life changed with so much homework to be done, I got a lot less sleep, and did a lot less housework lol.
Then this job fell into my lap and life is taking another upside down turn. And this isn't just a's the first (paid) step in a career path that I've been carefully contemplating for a very long time. Now that I'm a reporter I'm still a little astonished that I'm being paid to write. I'm not making a ton of money, but it's still more than I've ever made before.
To make it even more unbelievable I work with an office of really supportive and nice people. I generally spend much of my time feeling like this is a great job, and feeling like I'm not quite up to par lol.
Then there is the dance of working mom. Though in truth I haven't been a real stay at home mom in a few years. I was volunteering full time and then going to school more than full time so juggling a family and other work isn't new to me. However before, everything I did was optional. If I really didn't want to go and do something I didn't have to. If my kids were sick I could prioritize accordingly. This job does have a great amount of flexibility to it which just adds to a long list of things I love about it but it's still a job. Showing up isn't really optional if I want to keep it and if I want to cultivate a career.
I cannot remember very many times I took advantage of the optional aspect of volunteering or school lol but it was nice knowing that option was there. No matter how hard I try to be a 'modern woman' deep down I still feel the kids are MY responsibility in the end. Though the more I let go of that the more my terrific husband steps in, and he does it with no complaints. So it's clearly an issue I have, not one that's being imposed on me.
Two weeks into my job and I'm tired, feel like I'm struggling to tread water, but I'm also learning a ton. I feel like I'm getting the nuts and bolts down, but I'll feel better when I'm working on the more advanced aspects of the job. Baby steps right?
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