Going big for balance

Last year I chose a theme for the upcoming year for the first time in my life.

It was unintentional at first, I was contemplating trying to graduate with my associate's degree by the end of the year (2013) and I asked my trusty facebook friends if I should go big? The response was 'go big or go home' and deep down I knew I agreed. So I went big and signed up for as many classes as I was allowed to take.

Whenever I felt I had too much piled on top of me I'd just silently remind myself that I was going big and it would be worth it. I even used  hash tags on twitter. #GoingBigIn2013 #PriceOfGoingBigIn2013

I managed to maintain a 4.0, and 6 months into the year I felt that going big in 2013 was pretty successful. I saw my graduation on the horizon.

Without realizing it though I had limited my notion of going big to my school work.......the purpose for going to school is generally to be able to work the job of your choosing.

Half way through 2013, that job fell into my lap (well at least nearby). And I had a decision to make.....do I go for it and abandon my ever so close finish line of graduation? Or do I stay the course since I had already made up my mind that I would get my associates degree and then start job searching again.

So I went big.

And again it paid off, and now I'm doing a job in a feild I actually want to pursue. Not just a job, but a career.

I'm not going to say that everything that happened this year was a direct result of my declarative theme for the year, but I certainly think having a focus for my energy made a significant impact.

Going big required a lot of sacrifices (like sleep, housework), which I felt was worth it in order to quickly acheieve a substantial goal. However my situation is different going into 2014.

Many signs in my life in the past few months have pointed to the fact that I need to find balance. Both inner and outer. I've always been pretty good at going for something with reckless abdandon, but I've struggled with maintaining once I get there.

So that will be my theme going into this next year. Balance. Accomplishments are great but I want to concentrate on enjoying my life whlie also working hard. I have many years ahead of me in which I need to keep working, going to school and enjoy my daughters while they are still growing.

In true irony that only life could throw at me, I will likely be through with all of my studies when my girls are through with being at home. I feel like this keeps coming up for me because it is a lesson I need to learn. I intend to get to it in 2014.

So I've went big, now I'm going to try to bring more balance into my life.



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