
It's getting to be that time again.........slowly but surely. We were very blessed to have such a long dwell time between the last deployment (our first one) and the upcoming deployment, well over a year.

But pre-deployment mode is starting to kick in and soon it will be in full force, and I have to start programming myself to think of life without my soldier in it as a physical presence. Mailing packages, glued to the computer, early morning IM chats, worrying about car maintenance, single parenting.....

But today I'm looking forward to something about deployment...writing to my husband again.

Jason and I are different in some ways, one of those ways is that I am into reading and writing....I'd rather read the book than see the movie, he's the opposite (he does read just not the way I do). I like to think myself a decent writer, and that's a talent Jason never got to really see before the Army. We lived together I had no reason to really write to him. But when he went to basic training I had to write to him. I remember him telling me he wanted my letters hand written and not typed, despite how sloppy he says my handwriting is lol. He did push ups to get those letters, and upon learning that (in one of those rare 2 minute phone calls) I offered to only write every other day instead of every day and he adamantly told me to keep writing everyday and that he didn't care how many push ups he had to do, few guys got as many letters as he did and he loved getting them.

After training was over, I didn't write to him again until he went to Iraq. Then it was emails but it gave me a chance to express myself to him with the clarity that only writing gives me. He often didn't respond to my emails and if he did it was short. So once when he was home I asked him if I was too over the top in my emails and if he didn't like me writing so often, and again he told me he loved getting them, and often he just didn't know how to respond but he loved reading what I wrote him.

When he came home from Iraq there were a few times when I had emotions bottled up that I would sit down and email him what I was feeling/thinking, I really missed writing to him.

So as I sit here realizing that d day take 2 is indeed approaching I am looking forward to supporting my soldier with my writing......witty comments to make him smile, stories to keep him up to date with our lives and touching confessions of love to comfort him and remind him of the home and marriage he has waiting for him when he gets done.


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