Goals.......and goals

So this week goals have been a dominate thought.

Literally with the world cup going on.......it's SO HUGE here in Germany! I mean wow! It's like every game is the superbowl! Amazing......I'm kinda glad Germany didn't win because I'm not sure what kind of mayhem wouldn't taken to the streets in 'celebrating' lol.

And then the other kind of goals.

I'm a planner, mostly because deep down I'm a shameless control freak. I can cover it up but I can't hide it, it's part of who I am. Yet in some kind of cruel twist of fate, my core personal philosophies often fight against this part of me. I believe in making lemonade out of *what's given to you* not out of what you take or make sure you get. I think there is a kind of bliss in acceptance of what is and being completely ok with everything no matter what happens........a kind of serene knowledge that in the end everything will work out. And that stressing really is ineffective and pointless. I've really been working on lowering my daily stress levels.

But I can't help but argue with myself (what? who me? argue? I know--shocking isn't it!?) that things can't possibly work out by simply doing nothing, you need to be motivated, work hard and be passionate in what you do. If WW3 broke out everyone couldn't just sit back and say "well....it'll all work out" right? Someone would have to step in and bring it to an end.

I think the bridge here (I love building bridges between 2 opposing views, probably the most fun I have in life honestly) is confidence. Inaction is sometimes more deadly than action.......but stressing over uncontrollable factors is just a negative state of being as well. I think the secret is doing what your instincts tell you and trusting that you're right.......so that when you need to sit back.....it'll be ok and work out and when you need to take action that action is the right course to pursue. Which I suppose taps into trusting yourself......and trust isn't something that comes easily to me, a person who is always questioning everything.

How does this relate to goals? My ultimate life goal of attaining peace within myself that someday I will be able to slow down my thoughts and just be with no stress.

Someday......someday--that is my goal.

P.S. I'm really digging on Bruno Mars today---incredible voice! (Random I know)

Peace and Love =)


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