
In my quest for a good blogging site I have decided to land my public blog in the same place as my private blog (yes I have a blog that only I can see and read, great therapy you should try it).

I've also changed the name of my blog, over on livejournal it was Days in the Life of Jessi and was mostly mundane, recapping what was happening in my life, certainly with a few highlight entries that I will try to bring share with you on this blog.

I am a mom (hence the title of ni-hao, partly stolen from Ki-Lan and partly because my 1st grader has a pen pal in China teaching her Chinese) of 2 little girls. I'm also an Army wife, and active volunteer in my community (by active I mean it's like a full time job at times). We live in Germany per the Army and I love it. Not a lot of Army bashing comes from me, I truly enjoy the Army life with my husband (even though there are plenty of rough spots to work through).

I take pride in being normal enough to not be crazy and different enough to be unique. I'm not afraid to stand out but I don't try to rebel for the sake of rebelling either. My biggest ambition and goal in life is to simply be myself without any regret and to pass that confidence onto my daughters. I believe in working hard but I also believe that too much hard work can make you a dead person walking. I'm a bit of control freak in some instances but I'm also pretty laid back and just go with the flow, I don't like life to be boring. If you can't tell already I greatly value balance.

strong b/c i am weak Pictures, Images and Photos

Enough about me now--welcome to my blog and my life, it's clearly just Responsible Disorder. :)


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