Welcome, Welcome

It only took 2 weeks into 2012 before it began to shine as a wonderful year.  My husband returned from Afghanistan.  This being our 2nd deployment, we had gone through reintegration once before.  It was tough, much tougher than I had anticipated.  So naturally this time I held my breath a little.....prepared for the worst, but hoping for the best.  Hope won out.  While we're still in the reintegration phase, this time is going so smooth.  Last time I knew things weren't going so great from the very beginning.  I'm not sure if we've grown since last time, or if it's just experience helping us out.  I like to think it's a little of both.

There will be a lot of welcoming in store for us this year.....and also good byes.  Just after we finish sailing through the reintegration phase, we'll be preparing to leave Germany, our first duty station.  I am excited to go back to America, back to my home.  But there is much I leave behind in Germany too, I am grateful for all I have experienced here, the memories and friends made will not soon be forgotten (some never will be).

It's the before transition that reminds me why this life is so well suited for us.  We are excited to move on, excited for a new place and new experiences, all of us, even the girls.  We have all enjoyed living in Germany, I sit and admire the strength and adaptability of our little family.  Living overseas and going through 2 deployments and really living the Army life here has gelled us together like a team.

Every ending is also anew beginning welcome new adventures, welcome to a new chapter in life.


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